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restrained beam中文是什么意思

用"restrained beam"造句"restrained beam"怎么读"restrained beam" in a sentence


  • 端部夹紧梁
  • 固定端梁
  • 固端梁
  • 钳制梁
  • 约束梁


  • Experimental study of shear strength of restrained beams with post - casting section under concentrated loads
  • Test research and theoretic study on shear strengthening of reinforced concrete restrained beams using externally applied carbon fabrics reinforced plastics under concentrated loads is presented in this thesis , which is part of the project of construction bureau of hunan province
  • In this paper , five restrained beams with web and different longitudinal reinforcement were tested under static point loads , with the shear - span ratio being kept around 1 . 5 . on this basis , the overall process of cracking development under shear and the effect of longitudinal reinforcement ratio on it was investigated
    本文通过集中荷载作用下五根剪跨比为1 . 5 、不同纵筋率的有腹筋约束梁的试验,深入研究了有腹筋约束梁的受剪破坏全过程及纵筋率对其的影响。
  • And . the test research on the restrained beams strengthened by epoxy - glued cfrp which is glued in term of different angle is presented . based on the test of shear strengthening by cfrp - bonded , qt . ality control standards of the design and construction is established
  • The experiments showed that the cracking process of such restrained beams in this paper can be divided into three phases , that is , formation of the fanning zones , initialization and development of splitting cracks along longitudinal reinforcement , and accelerating development of the critical crack and / or cracks ( diagonal , flexural ) . during the last two phases , it was observed that further opening of some cracks led to some
  • On the basic of former research men ' s experience , 18 experimental members ( including 9 simple beams and 9 restrained beams ) are designed and tested . in the experiment , phenomena are observed and record by taking photos in the whole process from the first crack appears to test members crash completely , experimental data is attained including load values of crack - appear load , critical load and terminal load , stress values of reinforcing steel bar stress , compressed concrete stress and beam flank stress and values of deflection etc . by analyzing the crack ' s appearing and developing form and stress values of concrete and steel bars , the crash modes of test beams are defined ; shearing force - deflection curves are contrasted and analyzed ; the effects on shear strength of the three factors as shear span ratio , concrete strength and restraining moment are also analyzed
用"restrained beam"造句  
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